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Hyva Smart Control

SMART CONTROL is an advanced tipping assistant located within the vehicle cabin. By utilizing various sensors and possessing extensive knowledge about tipping operations, Hyva's Smart provides valuable information to the driver. This information allows drivers to enhance their tipping efficiency and promotes safer tipping practices. The system features a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and accessible, catering to both novice and experienced drivers. Furthermore, through integration with Hyva's online platform called OneEMS, fleet managers can monitor their fleet's activities in real-time, providing additional support to drivers whenever necessary. Full description

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Hyva Smart Control

Product description

Even with years of practice, understanding and keeping track of all the safety factors during tipping can be challenging. That's where Smart comes in, revolutionizing the tipping process by providing unparalleled support to drivers. With its intelligent system, Smart constantly monitors safety factors and intervenes with lightning-fast reflexes whenever necessary. Life becomes easier when you have a helping hand by your side throughout the day. Smart acts as your reliable companion in the cabin, making tipping more intuitive and effortless. Equipped with an easy-to-use, fully proportional joystick, Smart enhances the driver's control and comfort, ensuring a smooth tipping experience. In the fast-paced world we live in, every minute counts. Whether you're eager to get home for dinner or striving to meet your tipping quota, time is of the essence. Smart empowers you to make the most of your valuable time. Its innovative features, such as easy lower and body empty indication, help save precious tipping time. No longer will you waste valuable minutes deciphering complex instructions or searching for the right settings—Smart streamlines the process, maximizing efficiency and productivity. With Smart as your trusted companion, you can tip with confidence, knowing that you have an intelligent system backing you up. Let Smart handle the safety monitoring while you focus on driving, and experience the benefits of faster-than-human reflexes. Say goodbye to unnecessary stress and welcome a new level of ease and control in your tipping routine. Choose Smart, the intelligent tipping assistance system that revolutionizes the way you tip. Embrace the future of effortless and safe tipping.

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